Who We Are
ETNOMARK Consulting is a Brand Consultant that helps companies in building and developing their Brands. ETNOMARK is a pioneer in Ethnography Marketing in Indonesia. Ethnography is a contemporary research approach that is used to solve the problems of a Brand right to its roots.
ETNOMARK helps companies obtain Insightful Consumer Insights via Ethnography and helps them transform into a Customer-Centric Organisation. ETNOMARK has proven itself to be an Agent of Change that helps bring companies closer to its Stakeholders, and understand them.

We have extensive experience in Team-based Ethnography that facilitate companies in (re)collecting ‘the puzzle’ – companies own tacit knowledge and Stakeholders’ insights. We generate multi-dimensional insights by obtaining needs, motivation and preferences from Stakeholder’s actual perception. We explore and investigate environments and socio-cultural condition that influences companies stakeholders’ behavior. Find out more.
In helping companies develop their Brand, ETNOMARK has prepared a team in understanding the knowledge of Strategic Brand Management, as well as the process of Brand Building. Therefore, not only does ETNOMARK help companies conduct BRAND AUDITS (evaluating the Brand’s health), but also we help companies in developing their human resources in aspects relating to marketing, research, brand management, marketing communication, media, etc. Find out more.
As an agent of change, ETNOMARK also holds workshop for the general public, several times a year. Find out more.
In bringing ourselves closer to our stakeholders, ETNOMARK is frequently asked to contribute as a Guest Speaker at different seminars and workshops held by corporate industries, or acedemic institutions. Find out more.
Our Founder
Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D is the founder and Managing Director of ETNOMARK Consulting. Through her devotion in understanding, building awareness and informing the public about“Ethnography Marketing” in Indonesia, she has gained the acknowledgement as “Indonesia’s Most Prominent Marketing-Ethnographer”, a pioneer in the industry.
Her devotion is demonstrated through her frequent public speaking engagements, talkshows, in-house trainings for business communities, lectures for academic communities, numerous article writing and book writing. Her book, “Consumer Insights via Ethnography,” and “BRANDMATE: Mengubah Just Friends Menjadi Soulmates” and "PERSONAL BRANDING: Membangun Citra Diri yang Cemerlang", have inspired marketing practitioners to build customer centric brands and organizations. As a writer, Amalia is an active columnist for several marketing and business magazines/newspapers.
She obtained her Ph.D from the School of Marketing, University of New South Wales, Australia in 2006, as an AusAID scholar. Her MBA was earned from IPMI/Monash Mt.Eliza Business School in 1995.
Her teaching, research and consulting interests focus on brand management and strategy; in particular issues relating to advertising/communication, consumer behaviour and Internet-related aspects of marketing. She has over 12 years experience as a marketing practitioner in several multinational consumer goods companies, including PT Frisian Flag Indonesia and PT Unilever Indonesia.

Our Team
Our team consists of ethnographers that have went through long and detail training, as well as possessing an academic background of multiple study disciplines.
We are very hands-on in qualitative research. Our ability to explore and find insightful insights are our strenghts when given the various projects that we deal with. The insightful insights applied by our clients are proof that ETNOMARK’s findings are directly applicable and helpful in building a Brand’s value.